HCNetSDK_Log_Switch.xml 720 B

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="GB2312"?>
  2. <SdkLocal>
  3. <SdkLog>
  4. <logLevel>3</logLevel><!--req, 1-ERROR, 2-DEBUG, 3-INFO-->
  5. <logDirectory>./SDKLOG/</logDirectory><!--the end of the string must be '/'-->
  6. <autoDelete>true</autoDelete><!--true: There are less than 10 files in the directory, it will be auto deleted by sdk when the files are more than 10; false: No upper limit to the number of log files-->
  7. </SdkLog>
  8. <HeartbeatCfg>
  9. <Interval>120</Interval> <!-- 心跳时间间隔,单位秒,等于0,使用默认值120s,取值范围为[30, 120] 小于30s,间隔为30s,大于120s,间隔为120s-->
  10. <Count>1</Count> <!-- 触发异常回调需要心跳交互异常的次数,等于0,使用默认值1次-->
  11. </HeartbeatCfg>
  12. </SdkLocal>