** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
** This file is part of the QtNetwork module of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
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** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
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** will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
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//#define QFTPPI_DEBUG
#include "qftp.h"
#include "qabstractsocket.h"
#include "qcoreapplication.h"
#include "qtcpsocket.h"
#include "qstringlist.h"
#include "qregexp.h"
#include "qtimer.h"
#include "qfileinfo.h"
#include "qtcpserver.h"
#include "qlocale.h"
class QFtpPI;
The QFtpDTP (DTP = Data Transfer Process) controls all client side
data transfer between the client and server.
class QFtpDTP : public QObject
enum ConnectState {
QFtpDTP(QFtpPI *p, QObject *parent = nullptr);
void setData(QByteArray *);
void setDevice(QIODevice *);
void writeData();
void setBytesTotal(qint64 bytes);
bool hasError() const;
QString errorMessage() const;
void clearError();
void connectToHost(const QString & host, quint16 port);
int setupListener(const QHostAddress &address);
void waitForConnection();
QTcpSocket::SocketState state() const;
qint64 bytesAvailable() const;
qint64 read(char *data, qint64 maxlen);
QByteArray readAll();
void abortConnection();
static bool parseDir(const QByteArray &buffer, const QString &userName, QUrlInfo *info);
void listInfo(const QUrlInfo&);
void readyRead();
void dataTransferProgress(qint64, qint64);
void connectState(int);
private slots:
void socketConnected();
void socketReadyRead();
void socketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError);
void socketConnectionClosed();
void socketBytesWritten(qint64);
void setupSocket();
void dataReadyRead();
void clearData();
QTcpSocket *socket;
QTcpServer listener;
QFtpPI *pi;
QString err;
qint64 bytesDone;
qint64 bytesTotal;
bool callWriteData;
// If is_ba is true, ba is used; ba is never 0.
// Otherwise dev is used; dev can be 0 or not.
union {
QByteArray *ba;
QIODevice *dev;
} data;
bool is_ba;
QByteArray bytesFromSocket;
* QFtpPI - Protocol Interpreter
class QFtpPI : public QObject
QFtpPI(QObject *parent = nullptr);
void connectToHost(const QString &host, quint16 port);
bool sendCommands(const QStringList &cmds);
bool sendCommand(const QString &cmd)
{ return sendCommands(QStringList(cmd)); }
void clearPendingCommands();
void abort();
QString currentCommand() const
{ return currentCmd; }
bool rawCommand;
bool transferConnectionExtended;
QFtpDTP dtp; // the PI has a DTP which is not the design of RFC 959, but it
// makes the design simpler this way
void connectState(int);
void finished(const QString&);
void error(int, const QString&);
void rawFtpReply(int, const QString&);
private slots:
void hostFound();
void connected();
void connectionClosed();
void delayedCloseFinished();
void readyRead();
void error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError);
void dtpConnectState(int);
// the states are modelled after the generalized state diagram of RFC 959,
// page 58
enum State {
enum AbortState {
bool processReply();
bool startNextCmd();
QTcpSocket commandSocket;
QString replyText;
char replyCode[3];
State state;
AbortState abortState;
QStringList pendingCommands;
QString currentCmd;
bool waitForDtpToConnect;
bool waitForDtpToClose;
QByteArray bytesFromSocket;
friend class QFtpDTP;
* QFtpCommand implemenatation
class QFtpCommand
QFtpCommand(QFtp::Command cmd, const QStringList &raw, const QByteArray &ba);
QFtpCommand(QFtp::Command cmd, const QStringList &raw, QIODevice *dev = nullptr);
int id;
QFtp::Command command;
QStringList rawCmds;
// If is_ba is true, ba is used; ba is never 0.
// Otherwise dev is used; dev can be 0 or not.
union {
QByteArray *ba;
QIODevice *dev;
} data;
bool is_ba;
static int nextId()
static QBasicAtomicInt counter = Q_BASIC_ATOMIC_INITIALIZER(0);
return 1 + counter.fetchAndAddRelaxed(1);
QFtpCommand::QFtpCommand(QFtp::Command cmd, const QStringList &raw, const QByteArray &ba)
: command(cmd), rawCmds(raw), is_ba(true)
id = nextId();
data.ba = new QByteArray(ba);
QFtpCommand::QFtpCommand(QFtp::Command cmd, const QStringList &raw, QIODevice *dev)
: command(cmd), rawCmds(raw), is_ba(false)
id = nextId();
data.dev = dev;
if (is_ba)
delete data.ba;
* QFtpDTP implemenatation
QFtpDTP::QFtpDTP(QFtpPI *p, QObject *parent) :
listener.setObjectName(QLatin1String("QFtpDTP active state server"));
connect(&listener, SIGNAL(newConnection()), SLOT(setupSocket()));
void QFtpDTP::setData(QByteArray *ba)
is_ba = true;
data.ba = ba;
void QFtpDTP::setDevice(QIODevice *dev)
is_ba = false;
data.dev = dev;
void QFtpDTP::setBytesTotal(qint64 bytes)
bytesTotal = bytes;
bytesDone = 0;
emit dataTransferProgress(bytesDone, bytesTotal);
void QFtpDTP::connectToHost(const QString & host, quint16 port)
if (socket) {
delete socket;
socket = nullptr;
socket = new QTcpSocket(this);
#ifndef QT_NO_BEARERMANAGEMENT // ### Qt6: Remove section
//copy network session down to the socket
socket->setProperty("_q_networksession", property("_q_networksession"));
socket->setObjectName(QLatin1String("QFtpDTP Passive state socket"));
connect(socket, SIGNAL(connected()), SLOT(socketConnected()));
connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), SLOT(socketReadyRead()));
connect(socket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), SLOT(socketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)));
connect(socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), SLOT(socketConnectionClosed()));
connect(socket, SIGNAL(bytesWritten(qint64)), SLOT(socketBytesWritten(qint64)));
socket->connectToHost(host, port);
int QFtpDTP::setupListener(const QHostAddress &address)
#ifndef QT_NO_BEARERMANAGEMENT // ### Qt6: Remove section
//copy network session down to the socket
listener.setProperty("_q_networksession", property("_q_networksession"));
if (!listener.isListening() && !listener.listen(address, 0))
return -1;
return listener.serverPort();
void QFtpDTP::waitForConnection()
// This function is only interesting in Active transfer mode; it works
// around a limitation in QFtp's design by blocking, waiting for an
// incoming connection. For the default Passive mode, it does nothing.
if (listener.isListening())
QTcpSocket::SocketState QFtpDTP::state() const
return socket ? socket->state() : QTcpSocket::UnconnectedState;
qint64 QFtpDTP::bytesAvailable() const
if (!socket || socket->state() != QTcpSocket::ConnectedState)
return (qint64) bytesFromSocket.size();
return socket->bytesAvailable();
qint64 QFtpDTP::read(char *data, qint64 maxlen)
qint64 read;
if (socket && socket->state() == QTcpSocket::ConnectedState) {
read = socket->read(data, maxlen);
} else {
read = qMin(maxlen, qint64(bytesFromSocket.size()));
memcpy(data, bytesFromSocket.data(), read);
bytesFromSocket.remove(0, read);
bytesDone += read;
return read;
QByteArray QFtpDTP::readAll()
QByteArray tmp;
if (socket && socket->state() == QTcpSocket::ConnectedState) {
tmp = socket->readAll();
bytesDone += tmp.size();
} else {
tmp = bytesFromSocket;
return tmp;
void QFtpDTP::writeData()
if (!socket)
if (is_ba) {
#if defined(QFTPDTP_DEBUG)
qDebug("QFtpDTP::writeData: write %d bytes", data.ba->size());
if (data.ba->size() == 0)
emit dataTransferProgress(0, bytesTotal);
socket->write(data.ba->data(), data.ba->size());
} else if (data.dev) {
callWriteData = false;
const qint64 blockSize = 16*1024;
char buf[16*1024];
qint64 read = data.dev->read(buf, blockSize);
#if defined(QFTPDTP_DEBUG)
qDebug("QFtpDTP::writeData: write() of size %lli bytes", read);
if (read > 0) {
socket->write(buf, read);
} else if (read == -1 || (!data.dev->isSequential() && data.dev->atEnd())) {
// error or EOF
if (bytesDone == 0 && socket->bytesToWrite() == 0)
emit dataTransferProgress(0, bytesTotal);
// do we continue uploading?
callWriteData = data.dev != nullptr;
void QFtpDTP::dataReadyRead()
inline bool QFtpDTP::hasError() const
return !err.isNull();
inline QString QFtpDTP::errorMessage() const
return err;
inline void QFtpDTP::clearError()
void QFtpDTP::abortConnection()
#if defined(QFTPDTP_DEBUG)
qDebug("QFtpDTP::abortConnection, bytesAvailable == %lli",
socket ? socket->bytesAvailable() : (qint64) 0);
callWriteData = false;
if (socket)
static void _q_fixupDateTime(QDateTime *dateTime)
// Adjust for future tolerance.
const int futureTolerance = 86400;
if (dateTime->secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) < -futureTolerance) {
QDate d = dateTime->date();
d.setDate(d.year() - 1, d.month(), d.day());
static void _q_parseUnixDir(const QStringList &tokens, const QString &userName, QUrlInfo *info)
// Unix style, 7 + 1 entries
// -rw-r--r-- 1 ftp ftp 17358091 Aug 10 2004 qt-x11-free-3.3.3.tar.gz
// drwxr-xr-x 3 ftp ftp 4096 Apr 14 2000 compiled-examples
// lrwxrwxrwx 1 ftp ftp 9 Oct 29 2005 qtscape -> qtmozilla
if (tokens.size() != 8)
char first = tokens.at(1).at(0).toLatin1();
if (first == 'd') {
} else if (first == '-') {
} else if (first == 'l') {
// Resolve filename
QString name = tokens.at(7);
if (info->isSymLink()) {
int linkPos = name.indexOf(QLatin1String(" ->"));
if (linkPos != -1)
// Resolve owner & group
// Resolve size
QStringList formats;
formats << QLatin1String("MMM dd yyyy") << QLatin1String("MMM dd hh:mm") << QLatin1String("MMM d yyyy")
<< QLatin1String("MMM d hh:mm") << QLatin1String("MMM d yyyy") << QLatin1String("MMM dd yyyy");
QString dateString = tokens.at(6);
dateString[0] = dateString[0].toUpper();
// Resolve the modification date by parsing all possible formats
QDateTime dateTime;
int n = 0;
do {
dateTime = QLocale::c().toDateTime(dateString, formats.at(n++));
} while (n < formats.size() && (!dateTime.isValid()));
if (n == 2 || n == 4) {
// Guess the year.
if (dateTime.isValid())
// Resolve permissions
int permissions = 0;
const QString &p = tokens.at(2);
permissions |= (p[0] == QLatin1Char('r') ? QUrlInfo::ReadOwner : 0);
permissions |= (p[1] == QLatin1Char('w') ? QUrlInfo::WriteOwner : 0);
permissions |= (p[2] == QLatin1Char('x') ? QUrlInfo::ExeOwner : 0);
permissions |= (p[3] == QLatin1Char('r') ? QUrlInfo::ReadGroup : 0);
permissions |= (p[4] == QLatin1Char('w') ? QUrlInfo::WriteGroup : 0);
permissions |= (p[5] == QLatin1Char('x') ? QUrlInfo::ExeGroup : 0);
permissions |= (p[6] == QLatin1Char('r') ? QUrlInfo::ReadOther : 0);
permissions |= (p[7] == QLatin1Char('w') ? QUrlInfo::WriteOther : 0);
permissions |= (p[8] == QLatin1Char('x') ? QUrlInfo::ExeOther : 0);
bool isOwner = info->owner() == userName;
info->setReadable((permissions & QUrlInfo::ReadOther) || ((permissions & QUrlInfo::ReadOwner) && isOwner));
info->setWritable((permissions & QUrlInfo::WriteOther) || ((permissions & QUrlInfo::WriteOwner) && isOwner));
static void _q_parseDosDir(const QStringList &tokens, const QString &userName, QUrlInfo *info)
// DOS style, 3 + 1 entries
// 01-16-02 11:14AM
// 06-05-03 03:19PM 1973 readme.txt
if (tokens.size() != 4)
QString name = tokens.at(3);
info->setSymLink(name.endsWith(QLatin1String(".lnk"), Qt::CaseInsensitive));
if (tokens.at(2) == QLatin1String("")) {
} else {
// Note: We cannot use QFileInfo; permissions are for the server-side
// machine, and QFileInfo's behavior depends on the local platform.
int permissions = QUrlInfo::ReadOwner | QUrlInfo::WriteOwner
| QUrlInfo::ReadGroup | QUrlInfo::WriteGroup
| QUrlInfo::ReadOther | QUrlInfo::WriteOther;
QStringRef ext;
int extIndex = name.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('.'));
if (extIndex != -1)
ext = name.midRef(extIndex + 1);
if (ext == QLatin1String("exe") || ext == QLatin1String("bat") || ext == QLatin1String("com"))
permissions |= QUrlInfo::ExeOwner | QUrlInfo::ExeGroup | QUrlInfo::ExeOther;
QDateTime dateTime;
dateTime = QLocale::c().toDateTime(tokens.at(1), QLatin1String("MM-dd-yy hh:mmAP"));
if (dateTime.date().year() < 1971) {
dateTime.setDate(QDate(dateTime.date().year() + 100,
bool QFtpDTP::parseDir(const QByteArray &buffer, const QString &userName, QUrlInfo *info)
if (buffer.isEmpty())
return false;
QString bufferStr = QString::fromUtf8(buffer).trimmed();
// Unix style FTP servers
QRegExp unixPattern(QLatin1String("^([\\-dl])([a-zA-Z\\-]{9,9})\\s+\\d+\\s+(\\S*)\\s+"
if (unixPattern.indexIn(bufferStr) == 0) {
_q_parseUnixDir(unixPattern.capturedTexts(), userName, info);
return true;
// DOS style FTP servers
QRegExp dosPattern(QLatin1String("^(\\d\\d-\\d\\d-\\d\\d\\ \\ \\d\\d:\\d\\d[AP]M)\\s+"
if (dosPattern.indexIn(bufferStr) == 0) {
_q_parseDosDir(dosPattern.capturedTexts(), userName, info);
return true;
// Unsupported
return false;
void QFtpDTP::socketConnected()
bytesDone = 0;
#if defined(QFTPDTP_DEBUG)
emit connectState(QFtpDTP::CsConnected);
void QFtpDTP::socketReadyRead()
if (!socket)
if (pi->currentCommand().isEmpty()) {
#if defined(QFTPDTP_DEBUG)
emit connectState(QFtpDTP::CsClosed);
if (pi->abortState != QFtpPI::None) {
// discard data
if (pi->currentCommand().startsWith(QLatin1String("LIST"))) {
while (socket->canReadLine()) {
QUrlInfo i;
QByteArray line = socket->readLine();
#if defined(QFTPDTP_DEBUG)
qDebug("QFtpDTP read (list): '%s'", line.constData());
if (parseDir(line, QLatin1String(""), &i)) {
emit listInfo(i);
} else {
// some FTP servers don't return a 550 if the file or directory
// does not exist, but rather write a text to the data socket
// -- try to catch these cases
if (line.endsWith("No such file or directory\r\n"))
err = QString::fromUtf8(line);
} else {
if (!is_ba && data.dev) {
do {
QByteArray ba;
qint64 bytesRead = socket->read(ba.data(), ba.size());
if (bytesRead < 0) {
// a read following a readyRead() signal will
// never fail.
bytesDone += bytesRead;
#if defined(QFTPDTP_DEBUG)
qDebug("QFtpDTP read: %lli bytes (total %lli bytes)", bytesRead, bytesDone);
if (data.dev) // make sure it wasn't deleted in the slot
emit dataTransferProgress(bytesDone, bytesTotal);
// Need to loop; dataTransferProgress is often connected to
// slots that update the GUI (e.g., progress bar values), and
// if events are processed, more data may have arrived.
} while (socket->bytesAvailable());
} else {
#if defined(QFTPDTP_DEBUG)
qDebug("QFtpDTP readyRead: %lli bytes available (total %lli bytes read)",
bytesAvailable(), bytesDone);
emit dataTransferProgress(bytesDone+socket->bytesAvailable(), bytesTotal);
emit readyRead();
void QFtpDTP::socketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError e)
if (e == QTcpSocket::HostNotFoundError) {
#if defined(QFTPDTP_DEBUG)
emit connectState(QFtpDTP::CsHostNotFound);
} else if (e == QTcpSocket::ConnectionRefusedError) {
#if defined(QFTPDTP_DEBUG)
emit connectState(QFtpDTP::CsConnectionRefused);
void QFtpDTP::socketConnectionClosed()
if (!is_ba && data.dev) {
if (socket->isOpen())
bytesFromSocket = socket->readAll();
#if defined(QFTPDTP_DEBUG)
emit connectState(QFtpDTP::CsClosed);
void QFtpDTP::socketBytesWritten(qint64 bytes)
bytesDone += bytes;
#if defined(QFTPDTP_DEBUG)
qDebug("QFtpDTP::bytesWritten(%lli)", bytesDone);
emit dataTransferProgress(bytesDone, bytesTotal);
if (callWriteData)
void QFtpDTP::setupSocket()
socket = listener.nextPendingConnection();
socket->setObjectName(QLatin1String("QFtpDTP Active state socket"));
connect(socket, SIGNAL(connected()), SLOT(socketConnected()));
connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), SLOT(socketReadyRead()));
connect(socket, SIGNAL(errorOccurred(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), SLOT(socketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)));
connect(socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), SLOT(socketConnectionClosed()));
connect(socket, SIGNAL(bytesWritten(qint64)), SLOT(socketBytesWritten(qint64)));
void QFtpDTP::clearData()
is_ba = false;
data.dev = nullptr;
* QFtpPI implemenatation
QFtpPI::QFtpPI(QObject *parent) :
state(Begin), abortState(None),
connect(&commandSocket, SIGNAL(hostFound()),
connect(&commandSocket, SIGNAL(connected()),
connect(&commandSocket, SIGNAL(disconnected()),
connect(&commandSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()),
// connect(&commandSocket, SIGNAL(errorOccurred(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)),
// SLOT(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)));
connect(&commandSocket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)),
connect(&dtp, SIGNAL(connectState(int)),
void QFtpPI::connectToHost(const QString &host, quint16 port)
emit connectState(QFtp::HostLookup);
#ifndef QT_NO_BEARERMANAGEMENT // ### Qt6: Remove section
//copy network session down to the socket & DTP
commandSocket.setProperty("_q_networksession", property("_q_networksession"));
dtp.setProperty("_q_networksession", property("_q_networksession"));
commandSocket.connectToHost(host, port);
Sends the sequence of commands \a cmds to the FTP server. When the commands
are all done the finished() signal is emitted. When an error occurs, the
error() signal is emitted.
If there are pending commands in the queue this functions returns \c false and
the \a cmds are not added to the queue; otherwise it returns \c true.
bool QFtpPI::sendCommands(const QStringList &cmds)
if (!pendingCommands.isEmpty())
return false;
if (commandSocket.state() != QTcpSocket::ConnectedState || state!=Idle) {
emit error(QFtp::NotConnected, QFtp::tr("Not connected"));
return true; // there are no pending commands
pendingCommands = cmds;
return true;
void QFtpPI::clearPendingCommands()
state = Idle;
void QFtpPI::abort()
if (abortState != None)
// ABOR already sent
if (currentCmd.isEmpty())
return; //no command in progress
if (currentCmd.startsWith(QLatin1String("STOR "))) {
abortState = AbortStarted;
#if defined(QFTPPI_DEBUG)
qDebug("QFtpPI send: ABOR");
commandSocket.write("ABOR\r\n", 6);
} else {
//Deviation from RFC 959:
//Most FTP servers do not support ABOR, or require the telnet
//IP & synch sequence (TCP urgent data) which is not supported by QTcpSocket.
//Following what most FTP clients do, just reset the data connection and wait for 426
abortState = WaitForAbortToFinish;
void QFtpPI::hostFound()
emit connectState(QFtp::Connecting);
void QFtpPI::connected()
state = Begin;
#if defined(QFTPPI_DEBUG)
// qDebug("QFtpPI state: %d [connected()]", state);
// try to improve performance by setting TCP_NODELAY
commandSocket.setSocketOption(QAbstractSocket::LowDelayOption, 1);
emit connectState(QFtp::Connected);
void QFtpPI::connectionClosed()
emit connectState(QFtp::Unconnected);
void QFtpPI::delayedCloseFinished()
emit connectState(QFtp::Unconnected);
void QFtpPI::error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError e)
if (e == QTcpSocket::HostNotFoundError) {
emit connectState(QFtp::Unconnected);
emit error(QFtp::HostNotFound,
QFtp::tr("Host %1 not found").arg(commandSocket.peerName()));
} else if (e == QTcpSocket::ConnectionRefusedError) {
emit connectState(QFtp::Unconnected);
emit error(QFtp::ConnectionRefused,
QFtp::tr("Connection refused to host %1").arg(commandSocket.peerName()));
} else if (e == QTcpSocket::SocketTimeoutError) {
emit connectState(QFtp::Unconnected);
emit error(QFtp::ConnectionRefused,
QFtp::tr("Connection timed out to host %1").arg(commandSocket.peerName()));
void QFtpPI::readyRead()
if (waitForDtpToClose)
while (commandSocket.canReadLine()) {
// read line with respect to line continuation
QString line = QString::fromUtf8(commandSocket.readLine());
if (replyText.isEmpty()) {
if (line.length() < 3) {
// protocol error
const int lowerLimit[3] = {1,0,0};
const int upperLimit[3] = {5,5,9};
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
replyCode[i] = line.at(i).digitValue();
if (replyCode[i]upperLimit[i]) {
// protocol error
const char count[4] = { char('0' + replyCode[0]), char('0' + replyCode[1]),
char('0' + replyCode[2]), char(' ') };
QString endOfMultiLine(QLatin1String(count, 4));
QString lineCont(endOfMultiLine);
lineCont[3] = QLatin1Char('-');
QStringRef lineLeft4 = line.leftRef(4);
while (lineLeft4 != endOfMultiLine) {
if (lineLeft4 == lineCont)
replyText += line.midRef(4); // strip 'xyz-'
replyText += line;
if (!commandSocket.canReadLine())
line = QString::fromUtf8(commandSocket.readLine());
lineLeft4 = line.leftRef(4);
replyText += line.midRef(4); // strip reply code 'xyz '
if (replyText.endsWith(QLatin1String("\r\n")))
if (processReply())
replyText = QLatin1String("");
Process a reply from the FTP server.
Returns \c true if the reply was processed or false if the reply has to be
processed at a later point.
bool QFtpPI::processReply()
#if defined(QFTPPI_DEBUG)
// qDebug("QFtpPI state: %d [processReply() begin]", state);
if (replyText.length() < 400)
qDebug("QFtpPI recv: %d %s", 100*replyCode[0]+10*replyCode[1]+replyCode[2], replyText.toLatin1().constData());
qDebug("QFtpPI recv: %d (text skipped)", 100*replyCode[0]+10*replyCode[1]+replyCode[2]);
int replyCodeInt = 100*replyCode[0] + 10*replyCode[1] + replyCode[2];
// process 226 replies ("Closing Data Connection") only when the data
// connection is really closed to avoid short reads of the DTP
if (replyCodeInt == 226 || (replyCodeInt == 250 && currentCmd.startsWith(QLatin1String("RETR")))) {
if (dtp.state() != QTcpSocket::UnconnectedState) {
waitForDtpToClose = true;
return false;
switch (abortState) {
case AbortStarted:
abortState = WaitForAbortToFinish;
case WaitForAbortToFinish:
abortState = None;
return true;
// get new state
static const State table[5] = {
/* 1yz 2yz 3yz 4yz 5yz */
Waiting, Success, Idle, Failure, Failure
switch (state) {
case Begin:
if (replyCode[0] == 1) {
return true;
} else if (replyCode[0] == 2) {
state = Idle;
emit finished(QFtp::tr("Connected to host %1").arg(commandSocket.peerName()));
// reply codes not starting with 1 or 2 are not handled.
return true;
case Waiting:
if (static_cast(replyCode[0]) < 0 || replyCode[0] > 5)
state = Failure;
if (replyCodeInt == 202)
state = Failure;
state = table[replyCode[0] - 1];
// ignore unrequested message
return true;
#if defined(QFTPPI_DEBUG)
// qDebug("QFtpPI state: %d [processReply() intermediate]", state);
// special actions on certain replies
emit rawFtpReply(replyCodeInt, replyText);
if (rawCommand) {
rawCommand = false;
} else if (replyCodeInt == 227) {
// 227 Entering Passive Mode (h1,h2,h3,h4,p1,p2)
// rfc959 does not define this response precisely, and gives
// both examples where the parenthesis are used, and where
// they are missing. We need to scan for the address and host
// info.
QRegExp addrPortPattern(QLatin1String("(\\d+),(\\d+),(\\d+),(\\d+),(\\d+),(\\d+)"));
if (addrPortPattern.indexIn(replyText) == -1) {
#if defined(QFTPPI_DEBUG)
qDebug("QFtp: bad 227 response -- address and port information missing");
// this error should be reported
} else {
const QStringList lst = addrPortPattern.capturedTexts();
QString host = lst[1] + QLatin1Char('.') + lst[2] + QLatin1Char('.') + lst[3] + QLatin1Char('.') + lst[4];
quint16 port = (lst[5].toUInt() << 8) + lst[6].toUInt();
waitForDtpToConnect = true;
dtp.connectToHost(host, port);
} else if (replyCodeInt == 229) {
// 229 Extended Passive mode OK (|||10982|)
int portPos = replyText.indexOf(QLatin1Char('('));
if (portPos == -1) {
#if defined(QFTPPI_DEBUG)
qDebug("QFtp: bad 229 response -- port information missing");
// this error should be reported
} else {
QChar delimiter = replyText.at(portPos);
const auto epsvParameters = replyText.midRef(portPos).split(delimiter);
waitForDtpToConnect = true;
} else if (replyCodeInt == 230) {
if (currentCmd.startsWith(QLatin1String("USER ")) && pendingCommands.count()>0 &&
pendingCommands.constFirst().startsWith(QLatin1String("PASS "))) {
// no need to send the PASS -- we are already logged in
// 230 User logged in, proceed.
emit connectState(QFtp::LoggedIn);
} else if (replyCodeInt == 213) {
// 213 File status.
if (currentCmd.startsWith(QLatin1String("SIZE ")))
} else if (replyCode[0]==1 && currentCmd.startsWith(QLatin1String("STOR "))) {
// react on new state
switch (state) {
case Begin:
// should never happen
case Success:
// success handling
state = Idle;
case Idle:
if (dtp.hasError()) {
emit error(QFtp::UnknownError, dtp.errorMessage());
case Waiting:
// do nothing
case Failure:
// If the EPSV or EPRT commands fail, replace them with
// the old PASV and PORT instead and try again.
if (currentCmd.startsWith(QLatin1String("EPSV"))) {
transferConnectionExtended = false;
} else if (currentCmd.startsWith(QLatin1String("EPRT"))) {
transferConnectionExtended = false;
} else {
emit error(QFtp::UnknownError, replyText);
if (state != Waiting) {
state = Idle;
#if defined(QFTPPI_DEBUG)
// qDebug("QFtpPI state: %d [processReply() end]", state);
return true;
Starts next pending command. Returns \c false if there are no pending commands,
otherwise it returns \c true.
bool QFtpPI::startNextCmd()
if (waitForDtpToConnect)
// don't process any new commands until we are connected
return true;
#if defined(QFTPPI_DEBUG)
if (state != Idle)
qDebug("QFtpPI startNextCmd: Internal error! QFtpPI called in non-Idle state %d", state);
if (pendingCommands.isEmpty()) {
emit finished(replyText);
return false;
currentCmd = pendingCommands.constFirst();
// PORT and PASV are edited in-place, depending on whether we
// should try the extended transfer connection commands EPRT and
// EPSV. The PORT command also triggers setting up a listener, and
// the address/port arguments are edited in.
QHostAddress address = commandSocket.localAddress();
if (currentCmd.startsWith(QLatin1String("PORT"))) {
if ((address.protocol() == QTcpSocket::IPv6Protocol) && transferConnectionExtended) {
int port = dtp.setupListener(address);
currentCmd = QLatin1String("EPRT |");
currentCmd += (address.protocol() == QTcpSocket::IPv4Protocol) ? QLatin1Char('1') : QLatin1Char('2');
currentCmd += QLatin1Char('|') + address.toString() + QLatin1Char('|') + QString::number(port);
currentCmd += QLatin1Char('|');
} else if (address.protocol() == QTcpSocket::IPv4Protocol) {
int port = dtp.setupListener(address);
QString portArg;
quint32 ip = address.toIPv4Address();
portArg += QString::number((ip & 0xff000000) >> 24);
portArg += QLatin1Char(',') + QString::number((ip & 0xff0000) >> 16);
portArg += QLatin1Char(',') + QString::number((ip & 0xff00) >> 8);
portArg += QLatin1Char(',') + QString::number(ip & 0xff);
portArg += QLatin1Char(',') + QString::number((port & 0xff00) >> 8);
portArg += QLatin1Char(',') + QString::number(port & 0xff);
currentCmd = QLatin1String("PORT ");
currentCmd += portArg;
} else {
// No IPv6 connection can be set up with the PORT
// command.
return false;
currentCmd += QLatin1String("\r\n");
} else if (currentCmd.startsWith(QLatin1String("PASV"))) {
if ((address.protocol() == QTcpSocket::IPv6Protocol) && transferConnectionExtended)
currentCmd = QLatin1String("EPSV\r\n");
#if defined(QFTPPI_DEBUG)
qDebug("QFtpPI send: %s", currentCmd.leftRef(currentCmd.length() - 2).toLatin1().constData());
state = Waiting;
return true;
void QFtpPI::dtpConnectState(int s)
switch (s) {
case QFtpDTP::CsClosed:
if (waitForDtpToClose) {
// there is an unprocessed reply
if (processReply())
replyText = QLatin1String("");
waitForDtpToClose = false;
case QFtpDTP::CsConnected:
waitForDtpToConnect = false;
case QFtpDTP::CsHostNotFound:
case QFtpDTP::CsConnectionRefused:
emit error(QFtp::ConnectionRefused,
QFtp::tr("Data Connection refused"));
* QFtpPrivate
class QFtpPrivate
inline QFtpPrivate(QFtp *owner) : close_waitForStateChange(false), state(QFtp::Unconnected),
transferMode(QFtp::Passive), error(QFtp::NoError), q_ptr(owner)
{ }
~QFtpPrivate() { while (!pending.isEmpty()) delete pending.takeFirst(); }
// private slots
void _q_startNextCommand();
void _q_piFinished(const QString&);
void _q_piError(int, const QString&);
void _q_piConnectState(int);
void _q_piFtpReply(int, const QString&);
int addCommand(QFtpCommand *cmd);
QFtpPI pi;
QList pending;
bool close_waitForStateChange;
QFtp::State state;
QFtp::TransferMode transferMode;
QFtp::Error error;
QString errorString;
QString host;
quint16 port;
QString proxyHost;
quint16 proxyPort;
QFtp *q_ptr;
int QFtpPrivate::addCommand(QFtpCommand *cmd)
if (pending.count() == 1) {
// don't emit the commandStarted() signal before the ID is returned
QTimer::singleShot(0, q_func(), SLOT(_q_startNextCommand()));
return cmd->id;
* QFtp implementation
\class QFtp
\brief The QFtp class provides an implementation of the client side of FTP protocol.
\ingroup network
\inmodule QtNetwork
This class provides a direct interface to FTP that allows you to
have more control over the requests. However, for new
applications, it is recommended to use QNetworkAccessManager and
QNetworkReply, as those classes possess a simpler, yet more
powerful API.
The class works asynchronously, so there are no blocking
functions. If an operation cannot be executed immediately, the
function will still return straight away and the operation will be
scheduled for later execution. The results of scheduled operations
are reported via signals. This approach depends on the event loop
being in operation.
The operations that can be scheduled (they are called "commands"
in the rest of the documentation) are the following:
connectToHost(), login(), close(), list(), cd(), get(), put(),
remove(), mkdir(), rmdir(), rename() and rawCommand().
All of these commands return a unique identifier that allows you
to keep track of the command that is currently being executed.
When the execution of a command starts, the commandStarted()
signal with the command's identifier is emitted. When the command
is finished, the commandFinished() signal is emitted with the
command's identifier and a bool that indicates whether the command
finished with an error.
In some cases, you might want to execute a sequence of commands,
e.g. if you want to connect and login to a FTP server. This is
simply achieved:
\snippet code/src_network_access_qftp.cpp 0
In this case two FTP commands have been scheduled. When the last
scheduled command has finished, a done() signal is emitted with
a bool argument that tells you whether the sequence finished with
an error.
If an error occurs during the execution of one of the commands in
a sequence of commands, all the pending commands (i.e. scheduled,
but not yet executed commands) are cleared and no signals are
emitted for them.
Some commands, e.g. list(), emit additional signals to report
their results.
Example: If you want to download the INSTALL file from the Qt
FTP server, you would write this:
\snippet code/src_network_access_qftp.cpp 1
For this example the following sequence of signals is emitted
(with small variations, depending on network traffic, etc.):
\snippet code/src_network_access_qftp.cpp 2
The dataTransferProgress() signal in the above example is useful
if you want to show a \l{QProgressBar}{progress bar} to
inform the user about the progress of the download. The
readyRead() signal tells you that there is data ready to be read.
The amount of data can be queried then with the bytesAvailable()
function and it can be read with the read() or readAll()
If the login fails for the above example, the signals would look
like this:
\snippet code/src_network_access_qftp.cpp 3
You can then get details about the error with the error() and
errorString() functions.
For file transfer, QFtp can use both active or passive mode, and
it uses passive file transfer mode by default; see the
documentation for setTransferMode() for more details about this.
Call setProxy() to make QFtp connect via an FTP proxy server.
The functions currentId() and currentCommand() provide more
information about the currently executing command.
The functions hasPendingCommands() and clearPendingCommands()
allow you to query and clear the list of pending commands.
If you are an experienced network programmer and want to have
complete control you can use rawCommand() to execute arbitrary FTP
\warning The current version of QFtp doesn't fully support
non-Unix FTP servers.
\sa QNetworkAccessManager, QNetworkRequest, QNetworkReply,
{FTP Example}
Constructs a QFtp object with the given \a parent.
QFtp::QFtp(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent), d(new QFtpPrivate(this))
// Q_D(QFtp);
d->errorString = tr("Unknown error");
connect(&d->pi, SIGNAL(connectState(int)),
connect(&d->pi, SIGNAL(finished(QString)),
connect(&d->pi, SIGNAL(error(int,QString)),
connect(&d->pi, SIGNAL(rawFtpReply(int,QString)),
connect(&d->pi.dtp, SIGNAL(readyRead()),
connect(&d->pi.dtp, SIGNAL(dataTransferProgress(qint64,qint64)),
connect(&d->pi.dtp, SIGNAL(listInfo(QUrlInfo)),
\enum QFtp::State
This enum defines the connection state:
\value Unconnected There is no connection to the host.
\value HostLookup A host name lookup is in progress.
\value Connecting An attempt to connect to the host is in progress.
\value Connected Connection to the host has been achieved.
\value LoggedIn Connection and user login have been achieved.
\value Closing The connection is closing down, but it is not yet
closed. (The state will be \c Unconnected when the connection is
\sa stateChanged(), state()
\enum QFtp::TransferMode
FTP works with two socket connections; one for commands and
another for transmitting data. While the command connection is
always initiated by the client, the second connection can be
initiated by either the client or the server.
This enum defines whether the client (Passive mode) or the server
(Active mode) should set up the data connection.
\value Passive The client connects to the server to transmit its
\value Active The server connects to the client to transmit its
\enum QFtp::TransferType
This enum identifies the data transfer type used with get and
put commands.
\value Binary The data will be transferred in Binary mode.
\value Ascii The data will be transferred in Ascii mode and new line
characters will be converted to the local format.
\enum QFtp::Error
This enum identifies the error that occurred.
\value NoError No error occurred.
\value HostNotFound The host name lookup failed.
\value ConnectionRefused The server refused the connection.
\value NotConnected Tried to send a command, but there is no connection to
a server.
\value UnknownError An error other than those specified above
\sa error()
\enum QFtp::Command
This enum is used as the return value for the currentCommand() function.
This allows you to perform specific actions for particular
commands, e.g. in a FTP client, you might want to clear the
directory view when a list() command is started; in this case you
can simply check in the slot connected to the start() signal if
the currentCommand() is \c List.
\value None No command is being executed.
\value SetTransferMode set the \l{TransferMode}{transfer} mode.
\value SetProxy switch proxying on or off.
\value ConnectToHost connectToHost() is being executed.
\value Login login() is being executed.
\value Close close() is being executed.
\value List list() is being executed.
\value Cd cd() is being executed.
\value Get get() is being executed.
\value Put put() is being executed.
\value Remove remove() is being executed.
\value Mkdir mkdir() is being executed.
\value Rmdir rmdir() is being executed.
\value Rename rename() is being executed.
\value RawCommand rawCommand() is being executed.
\sa currentCommand()
\fn void QFtp::stateChanged(int state)
This signal is emitted when the state of the connection changes.
The argument \a state is the new state of the connection; it is
one of the \l State values.
It is usually emitted in response to a connectToHost() or close()
command, but it can also be emitted "spontaneously", e.g. when the
server closes the connection unexpectedly.
\sa connectToHost(), close(), state(), State
\fn void QFtp::listInfo(const QUrlInfo &i);
This signal is emitted for each directory entry the list() command
finds. The details of the entry are stored in \a i.
\sa list()
\fn void QFtp::commandStarted(int id)
This signal is emitted when processing the command identified by
\a id starts.
\sa commandFinished(), done()
\fn void QFtp::commandFinished(int id, bool error)
This signal is emitted when processing the command identified by
\a id has finished. \a error is true if an error occurred during
the processing; otherwise \a error is false.
\sa commandStarted(), done(), error(), errorString()
\fn void QFtp::done(bool error)
This signal is emitted when the last pending command has finished;
(it is emitted after the last command's commandFinished() signal).
\a error is true if an error occurred during the processing;
otherwise \a error is false.
\sa commandFinished(), error(), errorString()
\fn void QFtp::readyRead()
This signal is emitted in response to a get() command when there
is new data to read.
If you specify a device as the second argument in the get()
command, this signal is \e not emitted; instead the data is
written directly to the device.
You can read the data with the readAll() or read() functions.
This signal is useful if you want to process the data in chunks as
soon as it becomes available. If you are only interested in the
complete data, just connect to the commandFinished() signal and
read the data then instead.
\sa get(), read(), readAll(), bytesAvailable()
\fn void QFtp::dataTransferProgress(qint64 done, qint64 total)
This signal is emitted in response to a get() or put() request to
indicate the current progress of the download or upload.
\a done is the amount of data that has already been transferred
and \a total is the total amount of data to be read or written. It
is possible that the QFtp class is not able to determine the total
amount of data that should be transferred, in which case \a total
is 0. (If you connect this signal to a QProgressBar, the progress
bar shows a busy indicator if the total is 0).
\warning \a done and \a total are not necessarily the size in
bytes, since for large files these values might need to be
"scaled" to avoid overflow.
\sa get(), put(), QProgressBar
\fn void QFtp::rawCommandReply(int replyCode, const QString &detail);
This signal is emitted in response to the rawCommand() function.
\a replyCode is the 3 digit reply code and \a detail is the text
that follows the reply code.
\sa rawCommand()
Connects to the FTP server \a host using port \a port.
The stateChanged() signal is emitted when the state of the
connecting process changes, e.g. to \c HostLookup, then \c
Connecting, then \c Connected.
The function does not block and returns immediately. The command
is scheduled, and its execution is performed asynchronously. The
function returns a unique identifier which is passed by
commandStarted() and commandFinished().
When the command is started the commandStarted() signal is
emitted. When it is finished the commandFinished() signal is
\sa stateChanged(), commandStarted(), commandFinished()
int QFtp::connectToHost(const QString &host, quint16 port)
QStringList cmds;
cmds << host;
cmds << QString::number((uint)port);
int id = d->addCommand(new QFtpCommand(ConnectToHost, cmds));
d->pi.transferConnectionExtended = true;
return id;
Logs in to the FTP server with the username \a user and the
password \a password.
The stateChanged() signal is emitted when the state of the
connecting process changes, e.g. to \c LoggedIn.
The function does not block and returns immediately. The command
is scheduled, and its execution is performed asynchronously. The
function returns a unique identifier which is passed by
commandStarted() and commandFinished().
When the command is started the commandStarted() signal is
emitted. When it is finished the commandFinished() signal is
\sa commandStarted(), commandFinished()
int QFtp::login(const QString &user, const QString &password)
QStringList cmds;
if (user.isNull() || user.compare(QLatin1String("anonymous"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
cmds << (QLatin1String("USER ") + (user.isNull() ? QLatin1String("anonymous") : user) + QLatin1String("\r\n"));
cmds << (QLatin1String("PASS ") + (password.isNull() ? QLatin1String("anonymous@") : password) + QLatin1String("\r\n"));
} else {
cmds << (QLatin1String("USER ") + user + QLatin1String("\r\n"));
if (!password.isNull())
cmds << (QLatin1String("PASS ") + password + QLatin1String("\r\n"));
return d->addCommand(new QFtpCommand(Login, cmds));
Closes the connection to the FTP server.
The stateChanged() signal is emitted when the state of the
connecting process changes, e.g. to \c Closing, then \c
The function does not block and returns immediately. The command
is scheduled, and its execution is performed asynchronously. The
function returns a unique identifier which is passed by
commandStarted() and commandFinished().
When the command is started the commandStarted() signal is
emitted. When it is finished the commandFinished() signal is
\sa stateChanged(), commandStarted(), commandFinished()
int QFtp::close()
return d->addCommand(new QFtpCommand(Close, QStringList(QLatin1String("QUIT\r\n"))));
Sets the current FTP transfer mode to \a mode. The default is QFtp::Passive.
\sa QFtp::TransferMode
int QFtp::setTransferMode(TransferMode mode)
int id = d->addCommand(new QFtpCommand(SetTransferMode, QStringList()));
d->pi.transferConnectionExtended = true;
d->transferMode = mode;
return id;
Enables use of the FTP proxy on host \a host and port \a
port. Calling this function with \a host empty disables proxying.
QFtp does not support FTP-over-HTTP proxy servers. Use
QNetworkAccessManager for this.
int QFtp::setProxy(const QString &host, quint16 port)
QStringList args;
args << host << QString::number(port);
return d->addCommand(new QFtpCommand(SetProxy, args));
Lists the contents of directory \a dir on the FTP server. If \a
dir is empty, it lists the contents of the current directory.
The listInfo() signal is emitted for each directory entry found.
The function does not block and returns immediately. The command
is scheduled, and its execution is performed asynchronously. The
function returns a unique identifier which is passed by
commandStarted() and commandFinished().
When the command is started the commandStarted() signal is
emitted. When it is finished the commandFinished() signal is
\sa listInfo(), commandStarted(), commandFinished()
int QFtp::list(const QString &dir)
QStringList cmds;
cmds << QLatin1String("TYPE A\r\n");
cmds << QLatin1String(d->transferMode == Passive ? "PASV\r\n" : "PORT\r\n");
if (dir.isEmpty())
cmds << QLatin1String("LIST\r\n");
cmds << (QLatin1String("LIST ") + dir + QLatin1String("\r\n"));
return d->addCommand(new QFtpCommand(List, cmds));
Changes the working directory of the server to \a dir.
The function does not block and returns immediately. The command
is scheduled, and its execution is performed asynchronously. The
function returns a unique identifier which is passed by
commandStarted() and commandFinished().
When the command is started the commandStarted() signal is
emitted. When it is finished the commandFinished() signal is
\sa commandStarted(), commandFinished()
int QFtp::cd(const QString &dir)
return d->addCommand(new QFtpCommand(Cd, QStringList(QLatin1String("CWD ") + dir + QLatin1String("\r\n"))));
Downloads the file \a file from the server.
If \a dev is \nullptr, then the readyRead() signal is emitted when there
is data available to read. You can then read the data with the
read() or readAll() functions.
If \a dev is not \nullptr, the data is written directly to the device
\a dev. Make sure that the \a dev pointer is valid for the duration
of the operation (it is safe to delete it when the
commandFinished() signal is emitted). In this case the readyRead()
signal is \e not emitted and you cannot read data with the
read() or readAll() functions.
If you don't read the data immediately it becomes available, i.e.
when the readyRead() signal is emitted, it is still available
until the next command is started.
For example, if you want to present the data to the user as soon
as there is something available, connect to the readyRead() signal
and read the data immediately. On the other hand, if you only want
to work with the complete data, you can connect to the
commandFinished() signal and read the data when the get() command
is finished.
The data is transferred as Binary or Ascii depending on the value
of \a type.
The function does not block and returns immediately. The command
is scheduled, and its execution is performed asynchronously. The
function returns a unique identifier which is passed by
commandStarted() and commandFinished().
When the command is started the commandStarted() signal is
emitted. When it is finished the commandFinished() signal is
\sa readyRead(), dataTransferProgress(), commandStarted(),
int QFtp::get(const QString &file, QIODevice *dev, TransferType type)
QStringList cmds;
if (type == Binary)
cmds << QLatin1String("TYPE I\r\n");
cmds << QLatin1String("TYPE A\r\n");
cmds << QLatin1String("SIZE ") + file + QLatin1String("\r\n");
cmds << QLatin1String(d->transferMode == Passive ? "PASV\r\n" : "PORT\r\n");
cmds << QLatin1String("RETR ") + file + QLatin1String("\r\n");
return d->addCommand(new QFtpCommand(Get, cmds, dev));
Writes a copy of the given \a data to the file called \a file on
the server. The progress of the upload is reported by the
dataTransferProgress() signal.
The data is transferred as Binary or Ascii depending on the value
of \a type.
The function does not block and returns immediately. The command
is scheduled, and its execution is performed asynchronously. The
function returns a unique identifier which is passed by
commandStarted() and commandFinished().
When the command is started the commandStarted() signal is
emitted. When it is finished the commandFinished() signal is
Since this function takes a copy of the \a data, you can discard
your own copy when this function returns.
\sa dataTransferProgress(), commandStarted(), commandFinished()
int QFtp::put(const QByteArray &data, const QString &file, TransferType type)
QStringList cmds;
if (type == Binary)
cmds << QLatin1String("TYPE I\r\n");
cmds << QLatin1String("TYPE A\r\n");
cmds << QLatin1String(d->transferMode == Passive ? "PASV\r\n" : "PORT\r\n");
cmds << QLatin1String("ALLO ") + QString::number(data.size()) + QLatin1String("\r\n");
cmds << QLatin1String("STOR ") + file + QLatin1String("\r\n");
return d->addCommand(new QFtpCommand(Put, cmds, data));
Reads the data from the IO device \a dev, and writes it to the
file called \a file on the server. The data is read in chunks from
the IO device, so this overload allows you to transmit large
amounts of data without the need to read all the data into memory
at once.
The data is transferred as Binary or Ascii depending on the value
of \a type.
Make sure that the \a dev pointer is valid for the duration of the
operation (it is safe to delete it when the commandFinished() is
int QFtp::put(QIODevice *dev, const QString &file, TransferType type)
QStringList cmds;
if (type == Binary)
cmds << QLatin1String("TYPE I\r\n");
cmds << QLatin1String("TYPE A\r\n");
cmds << QLatin1String(d->transferMode == Passive ? "PASV\r\n" : "PORT\r\n");
if (!dev->isSequential())
cmds << QLatin1String("ALLO ") + QString::number(dev->size()) + QLatin1String("\r\n");
cmds << QLatin1String("STOR ") + file + QLatin1String("\r\n");
return d->addCommand(new QFtpCommand(Put, cmds, dev));
Deletes the file called \a file from the server.
The function does not block and returns immediately. The command
is scheduled, and its execution is performed asynchronously. The
function returns a unique identifier which is passed by
commandStarted() and commandFinished().
When the command is started the commandStarted() signal is
emitted. When it is finished the commandFinished() signal is
\sa commandStarted(), commandFinished()
int QFtp::remove(const QString &file)
return d->addCommand(new QFtpCommand(Remove, QStringList(QLatin1String("DELE ") + file + QLatin1String("\r\n"))));
Creates a directory called \a dir on the server.
The function does not block and returns immediately. The command
is scheduled, and its execution is performed asynchronously. The
function returns a unique identifier which is passed by
commandStarted() and commandFinished().
When the command is started the commandStarted() signal is
emitted. When it is finished the commandFinished() signal is
\sa commandStarted(), commandFinished()
int QFtp::mkdir(const QString &dir)
return d->addCommand(new QFtpCommand(Mkdir, QStringList(QLatin1String("MKD ") + dir + QLatin1String("\r\n"))));
Removes the directory called \a dir from the server.
The function does not block and returns immediately. The command
is scheduled, and its execution is performed asynchronously. The
function returns a unique identifier which is passed by
commandStarted() and commandFinished().
When the command is started the commandStarted() signal is
emitted. When it is finished the commandFinished() signal is
\sa commandStarted(), commandFinished()
int QFtp::rmdir(const QString &dir)
return d->addCommand(new QFtpCommand(Rmdir, QStringList(QLatin1String("RMD ") + dir + QLatin1String("\r\n"))));
Renames the file called \a oldname to \a newname on the server.
The function does not block and returns immediately. The command
is scheduled, and its execution is performed asynchronously. The
function returns a unique identifier which is passed by
commandStarted() and commandFinished().
When the command is started the commandStarted() signal is
emitted. When it is finished the commandFinished() signal is
\sa commandStarted(), commandFinished()
int QFtp::rename(const QString &oldname, const QString &newname)
QStringList cmds;
cmds << QLatin1String("RNFR ") + oldname + QLatin1String("\r\n");
cmds << QLatin1String("RNTO ") + newname + QLatin1String("\r\n");
return d->addCommand(new QFtpCommand(Rename, cmds));
Sends the raw FTP command \a command to the FTP server. This is
useful for low-level FTP access. If the operation you wish to
perform has an equivalent QFtp function, we recommend using the
function instead of raw FTP commands since the functions are
easier and safer.
The function does not block and returns immediately. The command
is scheduled, and its execution is performed asynchronously. The
function returns a unique identifier which is passed by
commandStarted() and commandFinished().
When the command is started the commandStarted() signal is
emitted. When it is finished the commandFinished() signal is
\sa rawCommandReply(), commandStarted(), commandFinished()
int QFtp::rawCommand(const QString &command)
const QString cmd = command.trimmed() + QLatin1String("\r\n");
return d->addCommand(new QFtpCommand(RawCommand, QStringList(cmd)));
Returns the number of bytes that can be read from the data socket
at the moment.
\sa get(), readyRead(), read(), readAll()
qint64 QFtp::bytesAvailable() const
return d->pi.dtp.bytesAvailable();
Reads \a maxlen bytes from the data socket into \a data and
returns the number of bytes read. Returns -1 if an error occurred.
\sa get(), readyRead(), bytesAvailable(), readAll()
qint64 QFtp::read(char *data, qint64 maxlen)
return d->pi.dtp.read(data, maxlen);
Reads all the bytes available from the data socket and returns
\sa get(), readyRead(), bytesAvailable(), read()
QByteArray QFtp::readAll()
return d->pi.dtp.readAll();
Aborts the current command and deletes all scheduled commands.
If there is an unfinished command (i.e. a command for which the
commandStarted() signal has been emitted, but for which the
commandFinished() signal has not been emitted), this function
sends an \c ABORT command to the server. When the server replies
that the command is aborted, the commandFinished() signal with the
\c error argument set to \c true is emitted for the command. Due
to timing issues, it is possible that the command had already
finished before the abort request reached the server, in which
case, the commandFinished() signal is emitted with the \c error
argument set to \c false.
For all other commands that are affected by the abort(), no
signals are emitted.
If you don't start further FTP commands directly after the
abort(), there won't be any scheduled commands and the done()
signal is emitted.
\warning Some FTP servers, for example the BSD FTP daemon (version
0.3), wrongly return a positive reply even when an abort has
occurred. For these servers the commandFinished() signal has its
error flag set to \c false, even though the command did not
complete successfully.
\sa clearPendingCommands()
void QFtp::abort()
if (d->pending.isEmpty())
Clears the last error.
\sa currentCommand()
void QFtp::clearError()
d->error = NoError;
Returns the identifier of the FTP command that is being executed
or 0 if there is no command being executed.
\sa currentCommand()
int QFtp::currentId() const
if (d->pending.isEmpty())
return 0;
return d->pending.first()->id;
Returns the command type of the FTP command being executed or \c
None if there is no command being executed.
\sa currentId()
QFtp::Command QFtp::currentCommand() const
if (d->pending.isEmpty())
return None;
return d->pending.first()->command;
Returns the QIODevice pointer that is used by the FTP command to read data
from or store data to. If there is no current FTP command being executed or
if the command does not use an IO device, this function returns \nullptr.
This function can be used to delete the QIODevice in the slot connected to
the commandFinished() signal.
\sa get(), put()
QIODevice* QFtp::currentDevice() const
if (d->pending.isEmpty())
return nullptr;
QFtpCommand *c = d->pending.first();
if (c->is_ba)
return nullptr;
return c->data.dev;
Returns \c true if there are any commands scheduled that have not yet
been executed; otherwise returns \c false.
The command that is being executed is \e not considered as a
scheduled command.
\sa clearPendingCommands(), currentId(), currentCommand()
bool QFtp::hasPendingCommands() const
return d->pending.count() > 1;
Deletes all pending commands from the list of scheduled commands.
This does not affect the command that is being executed. If you
want to stop this as well, use abort().
\sa hasPendingCommands(), abort()
void QFtp::clearPendingCommands()
// delete all entires except the first one
while (d->pending.count() > 1)
delete d->pending.takeLast();
Returns the current state of the object. When the state changes,
the stateChanged() signal is emitted.
\sa State, stateChanged()
QFtp::State QFtp::state() const
return d->state;
Returns the last error that occurred. This is useful to find out
what went wrong when receiving a commandFinished() or a done()
signal with the \c error argument set to \c true.
If you start a new command, the error status is reset to \c NoError.
QFtp::Error QFtp::error() const
return d->error;
Returns a human-readable description of the last error that
occurred. This is useful for presenting a error message to the
user when receiving a commandFinished() or a done() signal with
the \c error argument set to \c true.
The error string is often (but not always) the reply from the
server, so it is not always possible to translate the string. If
the message comes from Qt, the string has already passed through
QString QFtp::errorString() const
return d->errorString;
/*! \internal
void QFtpPrivate::_q_startNextCommand()
if (pending.isEmpty())
QFtpCommand *c = pending.constFirst();
error = QFtp::NoError;
errorString = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP(QFtp, QLatin1String("Unknown error"));
if (q->bytesAvailable())
q->readAll(); // clear the data
emit q->commandStarted(c->id);
// Proxy support, replace the Login argument in place, then fall
// through.
if (c->command == QFtp::Login && !proxyHost.isEmpty()) {
QString loginString = c->rawCmds.first().trimmed();
loginString += QLatin1Char('@') + host;
if (port && port != 21)
loginString += QLatin1Char(':') + QString::number(port);
loginString += QLatin1String("\r\n");
c->rawCmds[0] = loginString;
if (c->command == QFtp::SetTransferMode) {
_q_piFinished(QLatin1String("Transfer mode set"));
} else if (c->command == QFtp::SetProxy) {
proxyHost = c->rawCmds.at(0);
proxyPort = c->rawCmds.at(1).toUInt();
_q_piFinished(QLatin1String("Proxy set to ") + proxyHost + QLatin1Char(':') + QString::number(proxyPort));
} else if (c->command == QFtp::ConnectToHost) {
#ifndef QT_NO_BEARERMANAGEMENT // ### Qt6: Remove section
//copy network session down to the PI
pi.setProperty("_q_networksession", q->property("_q_networksession"));
if (!proxyHost.isEmpty()) {
host = c->rawCmds.at(0);
port = c->rawCmds.at(1).toUInt();
pi.connectToHost(proxyHost, proxyPort);
} else {
pi.connectToHost(c->rawCmds.at(0), c->rawCmds.at(1).toUInt());
} else {
if (c->command == QFtp::Put) {
if (c->is_ba) {
} else if (c->data.dev && (c->data.dev->isOpen() || c->data.dev->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))) {
if (c->data.dev->isSequential()) {
pi.dtp.connect(c->data.dev, SIGNAL(readyRead()), SLOT(dataReadyRead()));
pi.dtp.connect(c->data.dev, SIGNAL(readChannelFinished()), SLOT(dataReadyRead()));
} else {
} else if (c->command == QFtp::Get) {
if (!c->is_ba && c->data.dev) {
} else if (c->command == QFtp::Close) {
state = QFtp::Closing;
emit q->stateChanged(state);
/*! \internal
void QFtpPrivate::_q_piFinished(const QString&)
if (pending.isEmpty())
QFtpCommand *c = pending.constFirst();
if (c->command == QFtp::Close) {
// The order of in which the slots are called is arbitrary, so
// disconnect the SIGNAL-SIGNAL temporary to make sure that we
// don't get the commandFinished() signal before the stateChanged()
// signal.
if (state != QFtp::Unconnected) {
close_waitForStateChange = true;
emit q_func()->commandFinished(c->id, false);
delete c;
if (pending.isEmpty()) {
emit q_func()->done(false);
} else {
/*! \internal
void QFtpPrivate::_q_piError(int errorCode, const QString &text)
if (pending.isEmpty()) {
qWarning("QFtpPrivate::_q_piError was called without pending command!");
QFtpCommand *c = pending.constFirst();
// non-fatal errors
if (c->command == QFtp::Get && pi.currentCommand().startsWith(QLatin1String("SIZE "))) {
} else if (c->command==QFtp::Put && pi.currentCommand().startsWith(QLatin1String("ALLO "))) {
error = QFtp::Error(errorCode);
switch (q->currentCommand()) {
case QFtp::ConnectToHost:
errorString = QString::fromLatin1(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QFtp", "Connecting to host failed:\n%1"))
case QFtp::Login:
errorString = QString::fromLatin1(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QFtp", "Login failed:\n%1"))
case QFtp::List:
errorString = QString::fromLatin1(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QFtp", "Listing directory failed:\n%1"))
case QFtp::Cd:
errorString = QString::fromLatin1(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QFtp", "Changing directory failed:\n%1"))
case QFtp::Get:
errorString = QString::fromLatin1(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QFtp", "Downloading file failed:\n%1"))
case QFtp::Put:
errorString = QString::fromLatin1(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QFtp", "Uploading file failed:\n%1"))
case QFtp::Remove:
errorString = QString::fromLatin1(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QFtp", "Removing file failed:\n%1"))
case QFtp::Mkdir:
errorString = QString::fromLatin1(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QFtp", "Creating directory failed:\n%1"))
case QFtp::Rmdir:
errorString = QString::fromLatin1(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QFtp", "Removing directory failed:\n%1"))
errorString = text;
emit q->commandFinished(c->id, true);
delete c;
if (pending.isEmpty())
emit q->done(true);
/*! \internal
void QFtpPrivate::_q_piConnectState(int connectState)
state = QFtp::State(connectState);
emit q_func()->stateChanged(state);
if (close_waitForStateChange) {
close_waitForStateChange = false;
_q_piFinished(QLatin1String(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QFtp", "Connection closed")));
/*! \internal
void QFtpPrivate::_q_piFtpReply(int code, const QString &text)
if (q_func()->currentCommand() == QFtp::RawCommand) {
pi.rawCommand = true;
emit q_func()->rawCommandReply(code, text);
#include "qftp.moc"
#include "moc_qftp.cpp"